

Interview With Michelle – Aesthetics Expert at Premier Laser Clinic

We are excited to share our new YouTube channel, where we will be posting news, interviews and insights of our school as well as Beauty and Aesthetics industry!

In our first video, we will be talking to Michelle – an Aesthetics expert who works at Premier Laser Clinic as well as owns her own business!

Watch a video HERE >>> and don’t forget to Subscribe to our channel! You can read the full interview below too, enjoy!

When I first started out, the qualifications that were needed at the time were Level 2 Beauty and Level 3 Beauty. As time progressed, machines became more advanced. I went on to do my Level 4, my VTCT Level 4 in Aesthetics. And I’m now looking to do my Level 5 and Level 7. Because again, the way the industry changes, becoming more advanced, these qualifications are being needed. So when I first started out in the Aesthetics industry, I started off doing beauty. I was doing your basic massage or manicure, pedicures, and then the technology advanced. So I started to get into IPL, then eventually laser. Over the years, I’ve worked at lots of different clinics.

Why Did You Decide To Work For Premier Laser Clinic?

I’m here now at Premier Laser. My previous clinic offered certain treatments, but here I had more chance to evolve. I had more chance to progress. And again, my last place, I was there for about seven years. And that’s the beauty of this industry. You can chop and change. You can go to different companies because each company has their special thing that attracts you to them. Working in aesthetics is an amazing industry to be in. It’s constantly changing. It’s constantly evolving. It’s constantly improving. So the way the aesthetics were 20 years ago is completely different to how it is today. The technology has really, really improved. The money you can make in the industry is brilliant.

Why Aesthetics Is An Attractive Industry To Be In?

A lot of it’s on commission, so you can make as much money as you want. And again, you have the freedom of movement. So like I said, each company has its own thing that they offer. So again, you can chop and change companies till you find a company that suits you. Also, you do have the ability to do work from home. You have the ability to start up your own business as well. You can work with companies as well as work for your own company – there are so many opportunities and no two years are the same. The industries are constantly evolving, so it never gets boring. You never look back and go, oh, I’ve been doing the same thing for years!

Tell Us About Your Business

I’m currently employed at a clinic as well as have my own business. At the clinic, I specialise in lasers and do skin peels, botox, and dermal fillers at my own business. As you can see, you’ve got the ability and the freedom to do what you want. And like I said, the industry is always changing. There’s so much available to you. So you can always have the opportunity to make more money to put into holidays and so forth, but also to expand your own knowledge, to expand your skills, to learn new things.

How Being Employed At a Clinic and Having Your Own Business Complement Each Other?

Now, when you’re working in a clinic, you are offered lots of training and opportunities, but you may have other interests. So for me, my other interests were injectables. I did do my own training, which I supplemented myself, started up my own business. This means I can cross-reference some of my training. The skills I learned outside, I can introduce those into the business, like selling ideas and cross-selling. Because I know that bit more, it helps boost my job in the clinic.

How To Get Clients And Maintain Them?

Clients are the biggest part of the company. It’s the biggest part of the industry. These are the people that are bringing your money in. Things like social media are very important, word of mouth – helps you build up instant trust. So the best way to get clients and maintain clients is trust. Clients come to you as well as the company’s name. So it’s very important that you look after your clients. You give them the time. You explain everything to them. You don’t make them feel rushed.

How To Stand Out From Your Competition?

There’s lots of competition, especially in a big city like London. You’ve got other practitioners, other companies – there’s always someone out there who says they’re offering something better. Now the way to stand out, maintain, and get new clients is best done by word of mouth and trust. Like I said, people come to you because they trust you.

Another important thing is knowledge. The more you know, the more people are going to trust you. Confidence – the more confident you are, the more you show that you know what you’re talking about, the more clients are going to trust you and recommend you, and the longer they’ll stay with you. Once they finish their course of laser hair removal, you can offer additional treatments, for example course of skin peels or photorejuvenation. There are endless treatments in the aesthetics industry. And once you’ve got that client through the door, they’re yours to keep.

What Do You Enjoy About Your Job The Most?

I’ve been in my job for 24 years. I love my job that much. And what I like is – no two days are the same. Every year is different because the industry is constantly changing. I love my clients and seeing their transformations. When they come in with problems that they want to fix and you see their progress – that’s my favourite thing! You see them improve. You see their confidence boosting and then you see them recommending you. That’s what I love about my job and that’s why I’ve been in the industry for 24 years.

What Would You Advise People That Want To Get Into The Field?

You must get your foundation solid first. You want to start with your level 2. You want to then go on to Level 3. Then you want to go on to your VTCT Level 4 qualification. Make sure your qualifications are recognised. Get yourself into a really good clinic that offers a good basic training program to get you started. If you can, while you’re at college, maybe you can see if you can get any work experience.

But like I said, knowledge is key. Once you’ve completed your Level 3 and 4, don’t think that’s where your knowledge stops, because trust me, it doesn’t. Every year products, industry and technology is changing. Always go out there to look for more information. Look for webinars. Go to the beauty and aesthetics shows. Read all the magazines and like I said get as much experience as you can.

If you want to start your Aesthetics career, we’ve got you covered! contact our team who are always willing to help:

+442039668690, admission@beauty-school.co.uk

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