



CIBTAC means Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology.

CIDESCO means Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie.

General Manager means the individual who will have the day to day responsibility for the administration, running of courses and the students of the school.

Managing Director means the individual who is in charge of the school and has ultimate responsibility for all issue which may arise within the school.   

Classroom Student Salon means the classroom space within the school within which outsiders/customers can attend and can receive treatments or spa therapy provided by students by part of their course.

The Course means any course of study offered by the school which will lead to an award of a diploma and or certificate. 

The School means LSBM Limited trading as The London School of Beauty and Make-up.  Registered office address is 18-19 Long Lane, London, United Kingdom, EC1A 9PL, with Company Number: 07510093.

The Student means the individual (you) who has enrolled in a course with LSBM Ltd and has completed the appropriate course enrolment documents and has paid a deposit and any associated fees. 

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are an essential part of the contract between the School (The London  School of Beauty & Makeup/LSBM Ltd) and the Student. It is essential that the Student reads and  understands and acknowledges the importance of these Terms and Conditions. Failure to adhere  to these Terms and Conditions will be treated as a material breach of the contract between the  School and the Student. These Terms and Conditions may not be changed or amended, without  the express written agreement of the School’s Managing Director.

1. For all courses:

1. Prior to enrolling on a Course, the Student will be expected to have undertaken a full review of the Course content. Additionally, the Student may have attended an interview (this could be online or by telephone) where details of the Course will have been fully explained. To enrol on a reserve a place on a Course, Students are required to pay a deposit which will be deducted from the total Course fee. If the payment plan is needed, the 3% admin fee will apply. Upon the confirmation of this enrolment, the Student will become liable to pay the balance of the total Course fee. All deposits and Course fees are nonrefundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. 

2. In the event of a Student failing to attend or being unable to take up their place on a Course which they have already enrolled in or the Student drops out or chooses to withdraw from the  Course or the Student is removed from the Course, then in those circumstances no refunds of the deposit or the total Course fee will be made and there will be no entitlement for the Student to be  placed on a similar Course to be undertaken on a different date in the future. Once enrolment has been confirmed, and the Student chooses to withdraw or cannot undertake the Course for any reason, the Student will still be liable to pay the balance (if any) of the outstanding Course fee. The following reasons (not an exhaustive list): personal problems, illness, change of mind, relocation,  pregnancy, illness, or death in the family, change in personal circumstances, failure to obtain a visa or a loan are all examples of reasons which will not be accepted for deposits or total Course fees to be refunded. 

3. The fee the School charges for the Course includes the cost to the School of its overheads,  expenses, preparatory work, all special equipment, and materials required for the Course, together with payments made by the School to the awarding bodies referred to above. For this reason,  Students must appreciate that once enrolled, deposits and total Course fees will not be refunded. Fees can be paid in full at the time of enrolment. Fees can also be paid with a deposit and the balance must be paid no later than seven (7) days prior to the Course start date. Failure to do so will result in any deposit being forfeited and the balance of the total Course fee becoming due and payable. 

4. The Course fees may be paid in agreed instalments. Any instalment plan must be agreed in writing prior to the Course commencing and is entirely at the discretion of the School. If an instalment plan is agreed, then a legally binding agreement must be set up a minimum of ten (10) working days before the Course start date.

5. Students who are paying their Course fees by way of instalments (subject to prior written  agreement with the School), will be required to make all instalment payments by direct debit on  preset dates. Late or non-payment of instalments, may result in the Student being removed from  the Course, forfeiting all sums paid to date and the Student remaining liable to pay the remainder of  their Course fees. 

6. If an agreed instalment plan for the payment of Course fees is not followed, then the  Student in addition to forfeiting their place on the Course may also be excluded from any relevant  assessment, exam, reassessment, have their assessments or reassessment unmarked, or have  their assessment or reassessment results and materials for their Course withheld. 

7. All Students will be required to purchase towels for practicing purposes unless otherwise  specified (excluding Laser Course(s)). Students will be required to bring the appropriate kits(s) and  towel bundles on training days. Failure to do so may result in Students not being able to attend  lessons/practice or to be assessed. 

8. All Students will be required to practice on other students unless models are required for  the practical assessment which will then be the responsibility of the Student to bring along but will  be specified by the School. 

9. Some Courses may require a patch test at least 48 hours prior to the Course date. This will  apply especially to eye and laser treatments. The requirement for a patch test (for health and  safety and compliance purposes), will be specified in the Course information provided to the  Student. 

10. In the event a Student has an issue which may have an impact upon their ability to  undertake the Course or to work as a model as part of their Course, then they will be required to  notify the School in writing prior to or at the time they are enrolling on the Course. If the Student is  unable to be a model, then they may be required to bring along another individual to act as a model  in order they may be practised upon. Late notification in connection with being unable to model  may result in the Student’s place on the Course being terminated (see School Regulations clause  2.6 below). 

11. The School regulations require all students to be well presented at all times. This means  that they should be in uniform, hair should be neatly tied back and out of the face, no jewellery, all  piercings removed for health & safety purposes, and fingernails cut short and to be clean. Personal  hygiene standards should be adhered to. 

12. All Students will be required to wear the appropriate uniform for their Course and for every  lesson when they are in attendance at the School. Being in uniform means, that the Student is  wearing the School tunic, plain black trousers (no jeans, leggings or sportswear pants), and smart  closed flat black shoes (no trainers, sports shoes, or boots). 

13. Students will be expected to always behave in a professional and respectful manner  towards fellow students, teaching staff, and all others working within the School. The School has a  zero-tolerance policy towards any type of conduct which is disruptive, abusive, racism, bullying in  any nature, disrespectful and has the impact of making another individual uncomfortable or fearing  for their safety. Such conduct on the part of the Student may result in the Student being removed  from the Course. The School reserves the right to terminate the training/teaching of any Student  who fails to follow the Schools regulations or whose conduct is found to be detrimental to the overall activities of the School. In the event the Student is removed from their Course, then they will also  forfeit any fees they have paid and will not be allowed to complete their Course or sit any exams or  undertake any assessments or reassessments. If fees are outstanding to the School at the time a  Student is removed because of their conduct, then the School will pursue that Student for all  outstanding fees. 

14. In order to ensure that all Courses offered by the School are up to date, compliant and  appropriate, the School reserves the right to alter the Course content, curriculum and syllabus  without prior notice. Where it is possible to do so, the School will provide notice. The School has  complete and sole discretion in connection with all issues about Course content. 

15. The parents or legal guardians of Students who are under the age of 18 years of age are  responsible for enrolment fees, general behaviour, and discipline of that Student. They are  expected to give their full support and encouragement to the aims of the School and to uphold and  promote its good name, to continue the Students’ education at home (if applicable). The signature  of a parent or legal guardian agreeing to these Terms will be required at enrolment. 

16. If a Student has any issue, concern, or complaint about the Course they are undertaking,  then they must formally notify either their Course lecturer or School management. The School  requires the Student to put in writing the nature of their concerns, examples of conduct or behaviour  which maybe the cause of their complaint and the remedy they are seeking (within 48 hours of any  incident or issues which forms the basis of their complaint). The School will investigate all  complaints and use reasonable endeavours to address their concerns and to achieve a resolution. Resolutions will not extend to refunding Course fees or allowing the Student to transfer to another  Course. Complaints received after the Student has completed their Course will not be entertained  under any circumstances. 

2. General School Regulations

1. The wearing of the School’s uniform is mandatory. This may change from time to time. The uniform includes: a School tunic, black trousers, and smart closed flat black shoes. 

2. Hair should be put up above the collar in the chignon and kept off the face with a navy or  white hair band; nails kept short and unvarnished; day make-up must be worn. Students are not  allowed to wear any jewellery (including body jewellery), other than a wedding band and ear studs  (max ½ cm), during School hours. 

3. If locker rooms and wardrobes are provided for changing and personal belongings, they  must be kept clean and tidy at all times. Students are asked to keep briefcases and holdalls out of  the classroom areas. Mobile phones must be kept in the locker and switched off whilst on the  School premises. 

4. Students are advised that jewellery, valuables, or cash must not be brought into the School  as the School cannot be held responsible for the safe storage and safe keeping of property  belonging to Students and cannot be held responsible for any loss.

5. Students are required to collect their portfolio folders within a timeframe from their Course  completion date or within 3 months from their VTCT qualification(s) issued by VTCT whenever later.  The folders will be securely destroyed beyond this date without further notice. The qualification(s)  can be collected from the School’s office or posted to a secure address by recorded delivery. There  will be a charge payable in connection with the posting of the qualification. 

6. Students are expected to model for practical classes. Any Student who is unable to model  for any reason, must notify the School at the time of enrolment. In that situation, if alternate  arrangements cannot be made, then the School reserves the right to not accept that Student onto  the Course. If notification is provided after the Course has commenced, then such late notification  will be treated as a material failure to notify on the part of the Student and the School reserves the  right to terminate the Student’s training, which will result in any deposit and Course fees being  forfeited and if there is a balance due, the said balance being payable immediately. 

7. Students are required to attend all demonstrations and extracurricular activities. 

8. CIDESCO/CIBTAC classes are from Monday to Fridays* 9:30am to 5pm, lunch break’s  being 1 hour, unless otherwise stated. The School reserves the right to alter these times as it sees  fit and appropriate. 

9. VTCT day classes are from 10:00am to 5:00pm, with lunch breaks being 45 minutes 

10. Client days are an integral and mandatory part of CIDESCO and VTCT level 2 & 3 beauty  combi Courses – this includes (inter alia) client liaison, sales, and housekeeping. 

11. Students will be expected to be in attendance and ready for class before the time  scheduled for the class to start. Students who arrive late in class will be marked absent in the  register for that class. Classes will not be delayed for latecomers and teachers are not responsible  for repeating work/Course content which may have been missed. Latecomers may be requested to  wait until a suitable break in teaching before entering a class. If a Student is late on three (3)  separate occasions, that conduct will be classed as a breach of the School’s regulations and that  may result in disciplinary action. 

12. Absent Students are asked to telephone/email the School by 10.00 am. Messages from  fellow Students will not be accepted. An absence form must subsequently be completed. A medical  note is required for more than three days’ absence. 

13. Students are considered absent for the morning or afternoon session if they leave the  School without prior permission. 

14. Students are advised that punctuality, attendance, neatness of work, personal presentation,  conduct, and a thorough knowledge of subjects are taken into account when awarding the  diplomas/certificates.

15. All Students must complete the required number of hours in accordance with the School’s  and examining boards’ regulations and have a thorough theoretical and practical knowledge of their  Course material, to be eligible for the VTCT assessments and CIBTAC, CIDESCO examinations. 

16. The School requires all Students to pass the CIBTAC examinations with a minimum mark of  60%, before they can proceed to the CIDESCO examination. 

17. For VTCT Courses, you must have a 95% attendance for teaching in the classroom for  each subject/module. For examination-based Courses, you must have at least 95% attendance,  and 95% salon hours. In addition, if you miss more than 100 hours in total on either a CIBTAC or  CIDESCO Course, you will not be registered for the examination. 

18. It is not the responsibility of the School or individual teachers to provide additional teaching  hours for Students to ‘catch up’ on education missed due to lateness or absenteeism for whatever  reason. 

19. If a Student fails a written VTCT theory test, the first resit is free. There will be a £20 per  resit fee thereafter. In the event the Student informs the School that they have a valid reason as to  why they have failed the exam, then in those circumstances, the School will review the merits of the  Students application. If the School is satisfied with the Students explanation (so discretion of the  School), then the School may allow the Student to re-sit at a time which is convenient to the  School. 

20. Students failing to complete their assessments, variations, ranges, etc., during the period of  their Course will be charged by the hour for any further teaching/supervision/assessment. These  sessions will be at the convenience of the School. The current hourly rate is £45/hour. 

21. For assessment-based Courses, it may be necessary for you to join in during the next  intake to complete work and assessments missed subject to an additional fee and Course  availability. 

22. For exam retakes there will be a retake fee. For any refresher training required there will  be a fee payable. Check with the Administration Department for the current rates. 

23. The School will be closed on all UK public holidays. If a public holiday falls during your  Course, no extra days will be added to your Course or reduction in fees given. We have accounted  for these days within our teaching plan. Time off for official religious holidays, booked holidays and  planned weddings, medical appointments, etc., must be discussed and agreed upon before or at  the time enrolment. We recommend that all absences be avoided where possible. 24. Paying for and/or attending a Course fully does not guarantee a qualification, diploma, or  certificate of achievement. Awards of achievement are gained by the successful fulfilment of the  criteria set out by the various awarding bodies. The decision of the School is final in all cases  connected to the award of a qualification, diploma, or certificate of achievement.

24. Paying for and/or attending a Course fully does not guarantee a qualification, diploma, or  certificate of achievement. Awards of achievement are gained by the successful fulfilment of the  criteria set out by the various awarding bodies. The decision of the School is final in all cases  connected to the award of a qualification, diploma, or certificate of achievement.

The London School of Beauty and Make-up. 18-19 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9PL 

T: 0207 776 9766. W: www.beauty-school.co.uk E: admin@beauty-school.co.uk 

UR Beauty and Make-up LLP. Registered in England/Wales. Partnership NO. OC371888 VATNo. 130 1147 75 ASIC number AS84987/0308 

The London School of Beauty & Makeup Address: 18-19 Long Lane, Barbican, London EC1A 9PL

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